Highly recommended hotel due to its high standard of service and its staff attention to details. The location of the hotels makes perfect for both business and leisure clientele, being in business district and 2 minutes walk to the lake shores. The hotel also offers "Secured high speed internet connection, or WIFI access, also a Secretary service from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.Included for all tourists in the price of all hotels is a free transportation card, which is valid for the entire length of stay for all guests booked in the hotel. The card is valid on trains, buses, trams and the local lake water taxi 'Les Mouettes'.
En el bar y restaurante Sens, la cocina creativa de Jacques y Laurent Pourcel, los cocineros con estrella Michelín del Jardin des Sens, Montpellier. Restaurante: menú de platos frescos del mercado que combinan sabores mediterráneos y orientales. Bar salón: una selección de tapas del mundo servidas en un ambiente relajado.