This hotel was opened in summer 2007 with 3000 luxurious suites, with anchor a Las Vegas Strip-style classification of hotels, entertainment venues and shopping destinations. Guests will discover one of the most spectacular shopping experiences to be found anywhere - a must-see destination of itself. Three canals - complete with Italian gondolas with singing gondoliers and dragon boats - provide the backdrop for an astounding 90,000 square meter retail paradise with over 350 retail shops at the Grand Canal Shoppes, where guests will find the very best of brand name couture, cuisine, and collectibles for their shopping pleasure. Hay dos entradas para que los húespedes se registren, una para GRUPOS y otra para PERSONAS. La otra sólo es para PERSONAS. El mostrador de recepción para GRUPOS está cerca de la parada de autobús. El mostrador de recepción para PERSONAS está cerca de la parada de taxis.
The hotel is near to New Ferry Terminal and Macau International Airport and it is very convenient for the guests. It is also located on the main street in Macau, near to the public transportation stations.
Hay restaurantes formales e informales. Para comidas informales, el patio podría ser la elección ideal. Para comidas formales, hay una variedad de restaurantes en el hotel, servirán menú a la carta o buffet.